November Generosity Challenge

Here are 24 different ways you can change your world by being generous and sharing God’s love!
For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward. Mark 9:41 NKJV
For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward. Mark 9:41 NKJV
- Donate items for the Thanksgiving Outreach
- Give towards our special Heart for the House offering on November 21
- Compliment a stranger
- Call a family member you haven’t spoken to in a while
- Invite someone to church
- Help a neighbor in need
- Invite a co-worker to lunch
- Pray with someone who’s not saved
- Share your favorite scripture on social media
- Give someone in need a ride
- Let someone in front of you in a line
- Write a thank you note to someone in your life
- Leave an encouraging comment on someone’s social media
- Hold the door for someone
- Bless someone with free gas
- Share Sunday’s message online
- Ask the Holy Spirit to place someone in your life you can help
- Leave a thank you card for your mailman
- Forgive someone who has hurt you in the past and pray for them
- Smile and say hello to a stranger
- Remind someone in your life of how much you love them
- Pick up trash in your neighborhood
- Invite a neighbor over for dinner
- Bring someone to church with you
- Meet someone new at church and sit with them
21 Days of Prayer - Day 1 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 2 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 3 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 4 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 5 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 6 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 7 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 8 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 9 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 10 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 11 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 12 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 13 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 14 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 15 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 16 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 17 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 18 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 19 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 20 Devotional21 Days of Prayer - Day 21 DevotionalVision Sunday 2024 Recap