UNSTUCK - Confession for Provision

I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord. I am blessed in my body and my mind. I know what to do and how to do it. I have the mind of Christ. I have plenty of money. I have no lack in any area of my life. I have everything I need to do everything God has called me to do. My children are blessed. My church is blessed. My home is blessed. My investments are blessed. All of the works of my hands are blessed. I lend and I do not borrow.
My God supplies all of my need according to His riches in glory. I am prospering financially and physically as my soul prospers. God delights in my prosperity, I do not want. I am a giver. I give to every good work. I abound in the grace of giving. I am reaping an abundant harvest. The blessing of the Lord overtakes me and makes me rich. I have an abundant supply. I have all sufficiency in all things and I abound to every good work. I live under an open heaven. God is my provider in every area of my life. I have so much blessing I don't have room to contain it.
My storehouses are blessed. I have so much abundance I am an advertisement for how God treats his children. Blessing overtakes me everywhere I go. Wealth and riches are in my house. The Lord is my help and my shield. The Lord increases me more and more, me and my children. There is much treasure in my house. I am blessed by the Lord the possessor of heaven and earth.
I am increasing daily in my knowledge of the Lord and His blessing is continually overtaking me. Thank God I am blessed of the Lord and I am not cursed. Everything I do prospers.
My God supplies all of my need according to His riches in glory. I am prospering financially and physically as my soul prospers. God delights in my prosperity, I do not want. I am a giver. I give to every good work. I abound in the grace of giving. I am reaping an abundant harvest. The blessing of the Lord overtakes me and makes me rich. I have an abundant supply. I have all sufficiency in all things and I abound to every good work. I live under an open heaven. God is my provider in every area of my life. I have so much blessing I don't have room to contain it.
My storehouses are blessed. I have so much abundance I am an advertisement for how God treats his children. Blessing overtakes me everywhere I go. Wealth and riches are in my house. The Lord is my help and my shield. The Lord increases me more and more, me and my children. There is much treasure in my house. I am blessed by the Lord the possessor of heaven and earth.
I am increasing daily in my knowledge of the Lord and His blessing is continually overtaking me. Thank God I am blessed of the Lord and I am not cursed. Everything I do prospers.
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